Friday, April 23, 2010

I have muscles

Posted by Bridgette at 1:52 AM 0 comments
I have muscles in my arms .. WHO KNEW!!

If I flex them they stand out nicely, quite well defined.

Now, just to get rid of the hanging wobbly bit underneath the muscle and i'll be good to go!

On a side note, my mother in law told me "don't lose too much weight" when I reported my 18kg loss to her .. *rolls eyes* for months i've been told I need to lose it, and i've let myself go, now i'm losing too much .. are you kidding me!

I somehow think when i've got over 30kgs to go, that 18 isn't exactly "too much"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Recipes, and this weeks weigh in

Posted by Bridgette at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Hi all

Sorry I've been awol, it's been a crazy couple of weeks.

Anyway, just a quick update as i'm on a friends computer.

I've FINALLY started putting up some recipes, some more to follow in the next few days as I've been doing a lot of cooking this last week.

Also, I lost 0.4kg last week, and this week ... wait for it ..... 2.1kg!!! So i'm up to 18kg total loss now .. WOW

Hope everyone out there following my blog is doing just as well, and remember in those not-so-good moments, take it as a learning experience and keep moving forward.

You never fail unless you quit :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Post-Easter Weigh In

Posted by Bridgette at 5:06 AM 0 comments
and I LOST weight!

I can't believe it! I guess my damage control by stepping up my exercise and saving points really worked.

It wasn't a little loss either, 0.9kgs, bringing my total to 15.5kgs!


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Undoing the damage

Posted by Bridgette at 2:53 AM 0 comments
Well I am in damage control

I am thoroughly over chocolate, In two days i've had about 25points of the stuff.

BUT, there is no use whinging about it, it's done, it's over, there's no point in dwelling on it, so I got off my butt and did a good workout.

I did an hour all up, and considering I don't do much exercise I thought this was good. I did 20mins on the cross trainer and worked hard on it, then I spent 40mins on the wiifit, doing the hula hoops and the jogging.

It's a start, and I will keep doing it, not just because of this blow out, but because it needs to become a habit for me.

I actually still feel sick because of the crap i've eaten, and what I have eaten is NOTHING in comparison to what I would have before WW, so in a way it's good to know that now my body knows what is good and what is bad, and sure makes sure I pay for not listening to it!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Breaking News

Posted by Bridgette at 5:09 PM 2 comments
...the other 1/4 of the Lindt egg is gone ......... shit

throwing it all away

Posted by Bridgette at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Well, I'm not giving up or anything but I had major blow out yesterday. I asked all my family for no chocolate, if they HAD to get me easter eggs just the little ones so I can limit myself and spread it out, but nooo I get a huge lindt egg and bunny (my favourite chocolate!), and 3/4 of the egg are all gone as of yesterday.

I also had dinner at my sister in laws, we went over to just take the kids easter eggs and she insisted we stay for dinner. I'd used up a lot of points already at that stage (this is before my easter egg blow out) so decided as she was doing a BBQ to have lots of salad and limit the meat and extras. ANYWAY, so I had heaps of salad, but then 2 thin sausages, a piece of pork (not sure what it's called but a thin long strip?) two scoops of potato bake that was full of cream and garlic, as well as 3 pieces of garlic bread THEN a piece of cheesecake for dessert .. then I went home and ate that stupid easter egg.

I actually felt sick afterwards, not that I was stuffed full, but like my body just knew i'd eaten too much crap.

Oh, and the last two days I keep eating these things called sipoli, they're an italian thing, kind of like deep fried dough filled with olive and tomato and capers and are SO good, no idea what points they are though, which is bad, because I was guessing 2 points, but hey, they could be 5 or 6 for all I know.

So, there, i've said it, I've admitted it. I will not continue this today, even though I have all this chocolate sitting here, I will resist and only allow what I can within my points.

Lets hope I don't ruin my 1.2kg loss from Thursday!

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